Duralox® 997 Spherical Micro Beads are produced from proprietary formulated high purity alumina composite, which contains 99.7% alpha alumina crystals having negligible percentage of silica in its body composition.
What makes Duralox® 997 Micro Beads state of the art material for dental labs needs are its salient attributes such as :

  • Non-radioactive
  • Chemical inertness 
  • Its sapphire equivalent hardness (measuring at a magnitude of 9+ on the Moh’s scale or 1600 on Vicker’s scale)

Duralox® 997 micro beads not only have a dense internal micro structure but also have a smooth surface finish and can withstand high temperature making them ideal for sintering of Zirconia restoratives on a bed of beads in the saggar. In addition, these beads adapt smoothly to the shape of Zirconia restoratives and allow the units to shrink without any deformation.

Physical Properties

Composition 99.7% Al2O3
Colour Off White
Average crystal size 2-7 Micron
Density 3.95±0.05 g/cm3
Bulk Density 2.35±0.05 kgs/ltr
Porosity Nil
Water absorption Nil
Hardness on Moh`s scale 9+
Hardness on Vicker' s scale 1600 Hv10
Compressivestrength 3300 Mpa
Crushing strength (∅ 2mm bead) 100-110 kgf
Flexural strength (250C) 3700 kg/cm2
Modulus of elasticity 3.5 x 106 kg/cm2
Fusion temperature >20000C (36320F)
Maximum use temperature (No load condition) >17500C (31820F)
Co-efficient of thermal expansion 8.4 x 10-6 / 0C
Thermal conductivity (200C 28 W/m/0K

Chemical Properties

Al2O3 99.7%
MgO 0.15%
Others 0.15%

Standard Fraction range sizes of Beads

∅ 0.4 to ∅ 0.7 mm ∅ 0.7 to ∅ 1.2 mm
∅ 1.2 to ∅ 1.7 mm ∅ 1.7 to ∅ 2.4 mm
∅ 2.4 to ∅ 2.8 mm ∅ 2.8 to ∅ 3.3 mm

We also offer custom fraction size beads, if found feasible for production.

*Disclaimer−All Product names & trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Which are in no way associated or affiliated with Jyoti Ceramic Industries Pvt. Ltd. Or Jyodent®.

For distribution and dealership, Please contact us at info@jyodent.com

Bulk enquiries are welcome in private label for Zirconia Discs & Blanks